Saturday, March 5, 2011

I'm not quite sure, but right now, life is going pretty slowly. What really stinks is when your Grandparents call and say "I'm coming over in 40 minutes, and suddenly, every one is in a cleaning spaz. Hmmm...

Stories? Ok, here we go, one that is from when I was 7... :D


“One more piece please”, Cutie asked his mom. “No” said his mom. “OK, but that candy was good, where did you get it?” A one year old pug named Cutie was asking his mom for more candy corn, ahh, his mom sighed, go wash off your paws and go get your brother and sister (Twinkles and Zak). “Got it Mom” said Cutie. As he walked down the stairs he heard Twinkles yell “You’re it!” As Cutie got to the bottom of the stairs he saw Zak the reindeer and Twinkles the unicorn flying around. Cutie sighed, it was not fair that they could fly and not him.


“Mom wants you”, Cutie yelled. OK it wasn’t that bad, he was the oldest. Twinkles and Zak were twins, although they didn’t look alike, they were twins.

“Yah” their dad yelled, he was watching dogball. It’s just like baseball, but dogs play it. Their dad was a German shepherd and he was five years old. “Dad, Mom wants you”. “OK”. As they walked up the stairs…………. “SURPRISE!!” It was Mom. As they turned the corner, it was a pool! Twinkles flew into the air and splashed into the pool. Zak did the same. Mom smiled.


Splash! Cutie, Dad, and Mom all jumped in. “Mom you are the best!” “Thanks” their mom whispered. Oh and did I mention that their mom was a Clydesdale? As the family of Webkinz played together they didn’t have a clue what was about to happen.

“Fire!” their mom yelled. Balloons shot into the air, happy music filled the air! “Surprise number two”, their mom yelled. Twinkles screamed. Zak yelled “Yeah!” and Cutie didn’t say or do anything. Then everyone including Cutie, burst our laughing.


“Hey Mom” Twinkles and Cutie asked. “Can we go for a walk?” “Yes” their mom said. As they set out through the forest, they saw a dark shadow from the sky. It was about the size of Twinkles. Twinkles held back a scream in fear. Behind them they heard it land. They turned around and ………”Twinkles, Cutie, why didn’t you wait for me?” Cutie let out a sigh of relief, it was Zak! “Don’t scare us like that” Twinkles whispered. “Sorry”, Zak said, “I didn’t realize I was scaring you.” “It’s OK”, Cutie said, “I know you didn’t mean it.” And so the three set out into the bright morning woods.


Twinkles yawned. It was mid day now. “Zak, I think we should go home now”, Cutie said. “Mom and Dad are probably getting worried”. “Yeah, my legs feel like rubber”, said Zak. “If they do, we can’t get back”, said Cutie. “Not unless we fly”, Twinkles said. “Are you sure about this?”, Zak asked. “It will be fine”, Cutie said, “I can ride on your back.” “OK”, Zak said, “get on”. “One”, “two”, “three!” Twinkles got about five feet into the air and then fell. Cutie got off her back and she tried again. This time she only got three feet into the air. “Zak, you try”, Twinkles said. Zak only got six feet into the air and fell once again. Just then a TV appeared in mid air. A Rottweiler appeared on the screen. “You have until ten o’clock p.m. to catch me, otherwise I will have your ability to fly forever.” The TV disappeared. No one said a word.


A minute went by and Cutie spoke up, “We have no time to waste! We have to make it there by 10:00 pm! Now, who’s with me?” Cutie put his paw in the center of the circle, and so did Zak, and finally Twinkles did as well. “Now, we have no time to lose, run!”

After running about two miles, they saw something in the distance. A cave. “I think we have found a clue”, Twinkles said. “Let’s see what’s inside.” So they ran and ran until they got into the cave. “I don’t know about this”, Zak whispered, “it might be a trap!” “Well then I guess we are going to have to take our chances then”, said Cutie.


As they walked through the cave a human appeared and counted them. “What is she doing?” Cutie whispered. “Ok, one of you step ahead” said the human. Zak stepped ahead. Then the human took him and chained him against the wall. “I will set him free when you find what you are looking for, but if you don’t find what you are looking for, then he will stay here forever!” “But…you….” said Cutie, “No! Go on” said the human.

As they walked through the cave they got to a huge lake. “Cutie”, Twinkles asked, “how are you with water?”


The human appeared again and said, “This is the lake of dreams. In it is your best dream and your worst dream. You must not be tempted to jump in; otherwise you will appear in your dream.” A raft appeared and the human disappeared. They climbed in and began to float across.

Half way across the lake Twinkles heard chanting, “Jump in, jump in, jump in”. “No!” Twinkles yelled. Then behind her she heard Cutie yell “No” also. The chanting grew louder, Twinkles couldn’t take it any longer, and she jumped in. Then everything went black.


It was a T-Rex, it was chasing her! She ran as fast as she could have ever run. “Cutie, Zak”, Twinkles yelled, but there was no response. She pinched herself……… then she was a fairly flying flower to flower, “so pretty”, she thought. I wish I could never leave, but, “oh another flower, I love this land, it……..she was with the T-Rex again! “I want to be a fairy again, or wake up, wake up!.......”TWINKLES!!” yelled Cutie, “we are across the lake of dreams. You jumped in and I pulled you out, when I did you were in a deep sleep until I pinched you” “Oh, I’m sorry”, said Twinkles. “Its OK” said Cutie.

9:00 pm. They are never going to make it! Then once again the human appeared. “One of you will stop here” she said. “I will” Twinkles said. Two dark chains appeared around Twinkles. Cutie went on.


Then Cutie came to five doors. The human said, “Pick the door with the flying power behind it, and you and your friends leave with it, if not you all stay here. You have one minute!” The doors were labeled: Gold, “Bronze, Silver, Wood, and Hits si ti. Cutie stared at the door labeled Hits si ti, Thsi is ti? “Could be it” Cutie thought. “Ten seconds”, the human said.

“This is it” Cutie yelled as he pointed to the door. There was a flash of yellow and a loud bang. Cutie started spinning in circles. “Now count to three”, the human’s voice was faint. “One”, Cutie started, “two”…”three”!


Cutie opened his eyes. He was home. He was standing next to Twinkles and Zak who were smiling, and on the other side was the flying power. Twinkles and Zak touched it and a bright light shot in every direction, then everything was normal. Cutie couldn’t help it, he laughed. Then all of them including Cutie, ran into the house to get a snack.

Although that problem was solved, it was only the beginning……

The End

Ok, I admit it was pretty bad, but hey, I was 7. I will give you some more recent, and better ones soon...

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